Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 2

or “Unseen barriers to my goals”

In my last article, Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 1 (or “How to clear a path towards success in my goals”), we looked at conflicting messages and the interference they can create in our pursuing goals. 

People often have some awareness of these, they aren't exactly surprising. But doing an inventory (as in the Belief Inventory exercise of the Belief Management Mini Course) can be very helpful and revealing. I use this mini course often on different topics, and it has ALWAYS been valuable. I highly recommend it.


Today we are going to poke further into consciousness - into something hidden. Transparent Beliefs. We’ll finish with part 3, Self-Deception in a few days.

What is a Transparent Belief?

From the ReSurfacing Workbook, exercise 23 Transparent Beliefs

“A belief is transparent when you are operating through the belief without noticing it. Transparent beliefs are seldom helpful and, in fact, can be fatally debilitating. Most are self-sabotaging, adopted in a moment when you were something less than rational.

The first impression you have of a transparent belief is that it is unquestionably true. That’s just the way life is. That’s the way I am. Here’s the proof! But then something funny happens. You discover that the proof for holding the belief is actually produced by the belief itself. A pattern begins to unfold.”

Our consciousness is filled with forgotten thoughtforms. And this hidden and debilitating beliefs can cause a tremendous about of suffering in our lives.

I won’t try to say what it feels like to discover a transparent belief except to say that it can be jaw-dropping and reality altering.

A lot of people, especially people who have done a lot of personal work – are aware that they have some deep seated flaw. “I’m a bad person” or “I’m not worthy”.

I've seen some people treat it as a measure of honesty to carry this like a cross or a burden. A kind of living always looking for forgiveness or atonement, or... 

Do this feel familiar or have you seen this in others?

And this awareness can offer some liberation - it's more honest than hiding it - but there is a further step available.

The magic of this exercise is that it offers a shift of viewpoint – from TRUTH to something else. The belief’s hold on you is lessened or released altogether.

And the world looks different.

Perhaps the hard part for people is to let themselves believe that this is actually possible. With the right tools (processing), it is possible to lessen or remove the sting of old wounds in a short period of time. 

This is a miraculous process – and one that takes guidance, at least initially. But the route to discovery begins with anything in your life that isn’t what you prefer. The start of the process begins with ‘What would you like to change?'.

What would you like to change? 

What are the events and circumstances, that if removed would free you to move forward?

Oh and a little trick that Avatar Master helps with – it’s not just what is happening. It’s also how you experience what is happening. This is not exactly a mental process – but this part is best navigated with an experienced coach.

If you’d like to explore your beliefs and try this exercise, you can either



Read Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 1 here

Read Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 3 here

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