Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 1

or “How to clear a path towards success in my goals”

As an Avatar Master, one of the things I keep on the lookout for is conflicting messages. Or rather, internal conflicting messages. And when we learn to pay attention in this space, we notice that mind stuff can be messy and pull us in a lot of different directions.

A while back, we had a group event where about 10 people were exploring their beliefs about different topics, including Money. Money was quite the topic, and everyone had lots to share. It was a bit of a hot topic. What do you think people shared? 

Almost all of the shared views were negative attitudes, such as:
-    Money is hard to come by
-    It shouldn’t all be about money
-    Money makes people superior
-    I don’t have enough / I need more
-    … and so on

Do you share any of these attitudes?
What other views would you add?

Now don’t consider these as true or false – that’s more likely to lead to argument than insight. Rather, consider the weight or impact of these messages on your goals. 

Do they help or do they get in the way? 

If I want a raise, or to start my own business, or be worry free or to be comfortably wealthy – how do these beliefs and attitudes affect my goal?

Do you feel the inner conflict here? There is a pull in different directions that affects focus, drive, motivation, energy and more. But the good news is that awareness allows for choice.

You can learn to manage what is in your consciousness – and the skill to do so is priceless.

Honesty with myself is rarely OVERTLY lying to myself – in my experience it’s a lot more subtle than that. It can be a sense of doubt, or a nagging feeling. A sense of confusion, or just feeling stuck. With skillful practice, each of these can be unraveled – through honesty.

Would you like to improve or develop this skill?

It is addressed directly in the ReSurfacing® workshop (ReSurfacing refers to the process of disentangling yourself from old creations, and rising back into awareness). Exercises 16 (Self-Deception Signals), 21 (Operating Beliefs) and 23 (Transparent Beliefs) reveal those things which we hide or only partially let ourselves see. And they open a doorway to effectively manage our consciousness.

Would you like more clarity, energy and freedom in pursuing your goals? I hope so, it’s a journey that has benefitted well over 100,000 people around the world.

There are a few ways to move forward if you are interested:
1.    If you’d like the guidance of a master in learning the tools and practices – let me know you are interested in signing up for an upcoming ReSurfacing workshop. I’m happy to help you register. 
2.    If you’d like to do further reading on your own – I recommend reading The Avatar Path or Living Deliberately, as both create a framework for the Avatar materials. If you’d like to try the exercises, get the ReSurfacing workbook. Or get all of them and more with this offer.
3.    For something in the middle – leave me your contact info to hear about upcoming courses and free online explorations. It's a great way to keep abreast of opportunities.

I’ll end with a reminder from Harry Palmer, author and creator of the Avatar materials:

“You are more than a body. You are more than a spark in a brain. You are more than a backward-thinking story telling mind.

You’re going to like what you find!”


Harry Palmer

Author of the Avatar materials


Read Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 2 here

Read Honesty and Self-Deception, Part 3 here


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