Movie Night! Oct. 28th

Event date Oct 28 '20 7:30pm EDT - 8:30pm EDT (EST)
Event location Zoom
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movie night

Movie Night!

Friday Oct. 28th, 7:30 - 8:30pm EST

People have an innate desire to be in service, but without a fully developed sense of personal responsibility and compassion their service is at risk of being abused or worse.

The Path To Compassion: Rather than being at odds with each other, head consciousness, or intellect, and heart consciousness need to work together. This talk was recorded live at the December 2009 Avatar Master Course.

  • Have you ever wondered what beliefs lead to happiness and what beliefs lead to suffering?
  • How can we open a connection between heart consciousness and the reasoning power of the intellect?
  • What are some obstructions on the head to heart path?
  • Would you like to increase the amount of compassion on the planet? Experience being guided through the Compassion Exercise!

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