Movie Night! Make Up Your Mind Aug 28th

Event date Aug 28 '22 6:30pm EDT - 8:00pm EDT (EST)
Event location Zoom
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"Make Up Your Mind", a talk by Harry Palmer

Sunday August 28th at 6:30 PM

This is a free event open to anyone curious to progress on their spiritual path. It's a great opportunity to learn about the Avatar Path which has been taught all over the world.

Living Deliberately with the Avatar Path


What does it mean to believe something? Why are some truths hard to believe and some lies easy to believe? Is your mind controlling you or are you controlling it? Who really decides what you believe?

In this video Harry discusses these questions and more as he examines the four types of belief systems and the intentions behind each of them.

Go beyond linear evolution and take a sideways step into exploring and understanding the relationship between your beliefs and your experiences with Make Up Your Mind.

This talk by Harry Palmer was recorded live at The International Avatar® Course in Orlando, Florida.


These meetups over zoom are friendly and can be profound. Harry Palmer's talks can stretch us in very beneficial ways.

I hope you can make it - if you have any questions, let me know.

Zoom Meeting ID: 313 570 7151

Call Derek at 248.635.8216 with questions or to register


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