Thoughtstorm® Explorations

Thoughtstorm® Events over Zoom

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What is Thoughtstorm?

Thoughtstorm is a technique of group exploration from the Thoughtstorm Manual: An Evolution In Human Thinking, by Harry Palmer. 

"In the years since its first appearance, Thoughtstorm has established itself as a favorite tool of the entrepreneur. It has inspired the creation of THOUSANDS of businesses and sits on the bookshelves of some of the wealthiest people in the world. Deceptively simple, yet profound, its ability to generate insights into problems is a priceless technology."


Thoughtstorm for Entrepreneurs

Unlock Potentials

Increase teamwork, creativity, power and passion. These explorations have been used by entrepreneurs worldwide and have led to many ventures.

Topics and questions will be drawn from the following sections of the Thoughtstorm Manual:

  • Creating It
  • Getting Rich
  • Selling It
  • Running It Better
  • and more...

Here's one of my favorites, that will likely be explored a few different times


In obedience to gravity, water flows downhill.
What causes money to flow?
Thoughtstorm, page 64

Thoughtstorms for Personal Evolvement

Let's Explore the Mysteries of Consciousness!

In conjunction with the Explore Your Potential Meetup Group, we'll be exploring questions and topics related to personal growth, purpose and the nature of reality. Would you like to play with us?

Here are a few examples of questions we'll be exploring as a group:


Life, individual or organizational, seems to grow or decay in expanding or contracting spirals.
What causes contraction and expansion in life?
Thoughtstorm Manual, page 107
Hope is lost when a person believes that he or she counts for nothing.
How can anyone act to improve the world?
Thoughtstorm Manual, page 109

Harry Palmer, Thoughtstorm and The Avatar® Course

Harry Palmer is the author of the Thoughtstorm Manual as well as The Avatar Course and Avatar materials. He has written numerous books and best-sellers, and Avatar Courses have reached well over 100,000 graduates in over 150 countries.

In 1986, a year before he introduced The Avatar Course, Harry Palmer created Thoughtstorming, which brought people together and aligned them on a common purpose. The results were a profound and wonderful merging of individual minds into a more powerful, cooperative awareness. Continuously gaining in popularity, Thoughtstorm groups can now be found all over the world.

Read more from Harry Palmer here

" Whether you use The Thoughtstorm Manual as a practical problem solving tool, or for philosophic dousing into the secrets of the universe, or even just as an evening's entertainment, you have in your hands a proven process that will radically enhance the ability of your mind to think creatively "

Harry Palmer

From the Preface of the Thoughtstorm Manual

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